Top Charitable Things to do in December

A very HAPPY DECEMBER - the most wonderful time of the year! On top of the festive suggestions we included in the Christmas issue (link in bio) we have a few top charitable suggestions for the upcoming weeks below. Have a WONDERFUL month in which you give as much as your receive ❤️!
📅 the whole of December
Take part in @ealingfoodbank's Reverse Advent Calendar & add an item to a box each day of December - bring it to any of the collection points
Read more about the fabulous work that the Food Bank does in the Christmas issue (link in bio)
📅 2nd December, 10-3pm
📍 Horsenden Home Field
@treesforcities is hosting a free planting event with hot food and refreshments provided. Including live entertainment with music, theatre performances and worshops
📅 2nd December, 3-8pm
📍 @perivalebrewery
FINE LINES with Chris Riddell
Beer, music, spoken word and live drawing supporting @JustLifeUK homeless charity.
📅 15th December, 10.30-12pm
📍 @ealingshopping - square outside Primark, Boots etc.
Christmas singing and Makaton signing flashmob
📅 15th December, 12-4pm
📍 @mahabacafe is holding a coffee morning at @ealingproject with a special jolly guest 🎅! Read the interview with the amazing Murial from Mahaba in the Christmas issue.
📅 16th December, 7pm
📍 St Barnabas, Pitshanger Lane @ealingbarnabites
Every year at Christmas time, Ealing Choral Society @ealingchoralsoc supports a local charity with the proceeds of our carol concert. This year the chosen charity is @readeasyealing, a local charity which offers free one-to-one reading lessons for adults who have struggled to learn to read.