LOYALTY CARD SPOTLIGHT: Yayaka: A Taste of Home and Tradition in the Heart of Ealing

LOYALTY CARD SPOTLIGHT: Yayaka: A Taste of Home and Tradition in the Heart of Ealing

By Vivian Papasotiriou, restaurateur
When we created Yayaka, it was inspired by a deep sense of homesickness and the desire to preserve a piece of my past, especially the cherished family meals that are such a significant part of Greek culture. Growing up, sitting together with family over food, wine, and conversation was the heart of every holiday—whether it was Christmas, Easter, or just a typical Sunday lunch. These meals were about more than just food; they were about connection, tradition, and sharing love.

My grandmother, Yayaka Eugenia, was at the centre of these moments. She raised me, and I spent countless hours with her, learning about life and love through the dishes she made. When she passed, I realised that her passing marked the end of an era, not just for me, but for the whole family. I found myself longing to keep those memories and flavours alive, and the best way I knew to do that was by cooking her recipes.

The problem, of course, was that like many grandmothers, she never wrote anything down. The dishes that were so deeply connected to my emotions were locked away in my memory. So, for four months, I stood in my kitchen, tasting and adjusting, trying to recreate the flavours that had shaped my childhood. It wasn’t just about getting it right—it was about rediscovering that part of myself and my heritage. From this journey, the idea for Yayaka was born, named after my beloved grandmother who gave me so much more than recipes.

Our mission at Yayaka is to keep these culinary memories alive, not just from my own family but from grannies all across Greece. These recipes are a part of our cultural identity, and it would be a shame to lose the emotions they stir. When a dish brings back a memory, it connects you to who you are, and we want everyone who visits Yayaka to experience that.

What makes Yayaka special is that it offers all of this while still feeling like home. We’ve carefully designed our restaurant to cater to every part of the day. Whether you’re popping in for artisan coffee and hand-rolled pies in the morning, enjoying a delicious Greek lunch with bold flavours and outstanding Greek wines, or indulging in a fine dining experience with mind-blowing cocktails in the evening, you’ll always feel like you’re part of our family. It’s a place where families, couples, businesses, and even our pet friends are all welcome.

The talented Emmanouil Kompogiannis, a culinary virtuoso with experience in Michelin-starred kitchens across Europe, helms Yayaka's kitchen. From the world-renowned Easo of San Sebastian to Munich's Michelin-starred Acqurello and Lyon's La Tasse, Kompogiannis’ journey led him to London’s prestigious dining scene, where he worked under Jason Atherton at the Michelin-starred Pollen Street Social and ran kitchens at Claridges and the Petersham Hotel. His exceptional culinary skills bring the heart and soul of Yayaka’s menu to life.

One of the biggest challenges for us was creating a space where all these elements could come together. We wanted people to understand that Greek cuisine is so much more than just souvlaki and moussaka, and I’m thrilled that the local community has embraced us so warmly. They’ve given us the chance to share our work, and for that, we’re incredibly grateful.

Looking to the future, we hope to continue growing our roots in West London while expanding to other cities across the UK, such as Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh. Through it all, we’ll stay true to our core principles of quality, authenticity, and respect for the environment and our customers.

Visit us at Yayaka, Unit 3 Dickens Yard, Longfield Ave, London W5 2TD. You can find more about us at yayakafood.co.uk.
A review of Yayaka can be read here.

Yayaka has also signed up to the Ealing Living Loyalty Card, and cardholders can enjoy 10% off their bill. If you'd like to sign up for the card, please head to this form.