Chloe Kelly is from Hanwell. Ealing

Good luck to Ealing girl Chloe Kelly & to all of the Lionesses today! We're so excited to watch them play against Colombia at 11.30!!

Ever since 2022, when football finally came home, England has started to look at women's football in a different way - it has been one of the fastest-growing sports, both in popularity and publicity, with viewing figures for the game having doubled since 2017.

Locally, we've also noticed a growth in popularity of women's football. In January of this year, a group of women clubbed together to create Pitshanger FC, a team which meets once a week at Trailfinders.

We spoke to Pitshanger FC player Rae, who tells us how excited she is about the national change in attitude toward the sport:

"I have always loved football and, as a teenager, played for a local team; but since then I haven't been sure how to get into the sport.

"As well as developing the professional game, it is important to ensure that football is accessible to as many who want to enjoy it. As a forty- something year old woman, encouraging women in my friendship circle to play football has been a challenge. Many are resigned to the idea that it's a man's game and, in spite of me utilising my negotiation skills, many have greeted my invitations to play with a flat no! For some, the old-fashioned attitude is hard to change.

"For me, the women's social football team has been a revelation. The coaching staff have made it clear from day one that it is a safe space to learn, have fun, and gain new skills. We started out with eleven women, a number which grew almost four-fold in less than three months.

"The multitude of benefits have included building new friendships, getting physically fitter, learning more about football and improving general mental wellbeing.

"Every week I arrive and am so grateful that I've been able to fall in love with the game again. I highly recommend looking into women's teams in your local area. Coach Daniel intends to make sure that as many woman as possible have the opportunity to access social football locally and beyond.

"I will be eagerly watching the next few Lionesses' games and have already reserved our seats for the final. COME ON ENGLAND!"