Baby Classes in Ealing
Do you have a little one and are looking for entertaining activities to take them to during the week?

We have a few suggestions below and feel free to add more in the comments. Remember: sharing is caring!
🧸 The Children's Centres run by Ealing Council are a fantastic place to start. These include Log Cabin in Northfields; Jubilee in Drayton Green and Hathaway in North Ealing and they each have their own class timetables. A firm favourite is Cheryl's Music & Movement class at the Hathaway centre. Visit the Ealing Children's Centre website for more info
🧸 Pitshanger Playcentre is located in the centre of beautiful Pitshanger Park and run by the very lovely Marion. It's a happy mixture of playtime and singing classes.
🧸 Hullabaloo Puppets holds a fab puppet show and movement class at The Plough Inn all based around the book of the week which includes all the Julia Donaldson favourites and the Tiger the came to Tea.
🧸 Baby Sensory Ealing is an award-winning Baby Sensory class in Ealing and Chiswick. Lots of soft-play, singing and sensory activities.

🧸 F45 Ealing will be launching its mums & babies exercise class this Autumn, running on Mondays at 10.45am in its studio, found on Uxbridge Road. The 45-minute long class will be hybrid, with a cardio element as well as strength training. Trainers Amy Brook-Partridge and Holly Lucatello are local personal trainers qualified in pre- and post-natal fitness. The class is open to everyone of any fitness level, and babies are of course invited too! To find out more email
🧸 Sign up to Ealing 135 for general support and to find your mum crew.